There's been a lot of talk about the Iraq war recently due to the 5th anniversary of it on March 20th. The news world has actually been saying that coverage on the war has lessened because of the other issues at hand. The presidential election has garnered more attention from more Americans than anything else at the moment. The death count has reached 4000 Americans. What has been accomplished? I'm not about to get into deep discussion about the war because in the end, I will not reach any reasonable conclusion. I'm torn about the war because although I'm not for it [I don't agree with attaining peace by going to war], I don't believe it should be abandoned at the snap of a finger; nor do I think 100 years will do anyone any good. Mission Accomplished? Not any time soon. 97% of the deaths have come after the so-called "Mission Accomplished" statement by President Bush on May 1st, 2003. One thing I truly believe is that these lives should not be lost in vain. Something has to show for these losses.
Onto a lighter issue. Senator Hillary Clinton was busted today for LYING! In a speech she gave on St. Patty's Day, she claimed she landed in Bosnia in 1996 under fire -- oh what a dramatic tale she told. Guess what? That was a lie. There is video footage of her safe landing and the welcoming crowd she claimed wasn't there. Although she has admitted her untruthful words, it doesn't make things better of course. All I can say is, "Liar liar pants on fire!"
So what else has happened lately? Well on Fox & Friends sometime last week, Brown-haired Guy Who's Not Steve Doocy [credited to Stephen T. Colbert] walked off abruptly after Chris Wallace said to them there was too much Obama bashing. They now claim that it was a joke and he did it for fun. I thought the guy had balls for walking off, but now that he's shrinking away from his actions. I take that back. Faux Noise probably threatened to fire him if he didn't put on a smile and do a dance to make up for his walking off the set. One day, someone on that channel will grow a pair [not including Papa Bear and Geraldo because they came with a pair].
In world news, Taiwan elected their new president on March 22 and it was KMT's Ma Ying-Jeou. Congratulations to him. I really don't follow Taiwan news nor China news for that matter, so I don't know if this will help ease tension between the two, but good luck anyhow.
[This piece of news was inserted in a random area] Bill Richardson endorsed Barack Obama last week. [end of story].
Oh! I almost forgot! There was a piece of news that was so news breaking that Countdown dedicated a whole hour to it [then had another hour of other news]. What was it? Hmmm, there was so much information for 2 days and then suddenly no one is talking about it. Barack Obama's passport was breached a few times since January. *insert intense music here* The plot thickens when it was found out that Hillary Clinton's AND John McCain's passport information was also breached. Conclusion? I didn't hear one because they stopped talking about it! I regret having typed all that information [or lack thereof] now because it was a waste of my time and probably yours.
Ok, I've made it. I'm satisfied with my lack of news post. I'll post again when I'm more news savvy. Happy Dyngus Day!
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