I'm going to start off with a quick baseball update. The Red sox whooped the Yankees twice [on Saturday and Sunday] for which I am very grateful and happy. One thing I was not happy about was that Fox cut off the last couple innings because Nascar started [there was a rain delay so the game was from 12:30 to around 6]. The Mets haven't been fairing all that well, but I'm sure they'll turn it around. Boston Red Sox are now 8-6 whereas the New York Mets are 5-6.
Now diving into the yummy cupcake of politics [I've been obsessed with cupcakes lately?], the Pennsylvania Primaries are next Tuesday, and the candidates [Democratic anyway] are turning up the hot and the cold. I won't get into geography here but let's just say when a warm air mass and cold air mass collides, nothing pretty comes out of it. Obama is in the limelight once again [or still?] for saying something along the lines of Pennsylvanians clinging onto their guns and faith due to frustration. He has admitted that the words came out faulty, but Clinton of course took the opportunity to attack. She says it's offensive and demeaning to say these things about the people of Pennsylvania and even released an advertisement with dissatisfied citizens voicing their contempt. This seems like a perfect move and exactly what Clinton's campaign needs to excel. But knowing Clinton, she does something more ridiculous therefore Obama's story is shunted. She tried to appear as a 'working class' member by 'shooting' it up with a shot of some type of hard liquor [which she sipped and I think it was Crown Royal]. She then 'chased' that with a beer and I assumed she got pretty drunk after that. Oh wait, am I forgetting something? Oh right, she said when she was a young girl her grandfather took her 'shooting' [literally] in her backyard...to which Obama attacked and ridiculed. She also called him an elitist. Yes, everything is out of order and a complete mess because that is exactly how the Clinton campaign is right now. She just can't catch a break can she? Maybe she was reminiscing about the days when she was a young shooter during her landing in Bosnia? It makes sense...If you're using that Clinton campaign, let me know! I have copyrights on that!
Did I say I was going to talk about the FLDS story again? Well all they have now is information about around 20 girls in their teen years who are pregnant. And that many of the younger women want to go back because it's what they're used to. There's a whole brainwashing thing behind this and it's pretty messy. I really don't want to get into it because then I'll go on to define "cult" and I don't want to be O'Reilly now do I? [yes].
I'm actually just going to touch on the Olympics issue because I have a time restraint. I will share my view on it: let it happen! Don't bring negative politics into this traditional event. I'm not saying I don't care about what's happening between China and Tibet [actually I don't] but I really think it's being blown up by the Tibetans and the media. And people are being suckered into being on the side of Tibet because the Dalai Lama is from there. Ok maybe "suckered" isn't the word, but I just wish people would research about exactly what's happening before making a judgement and not just absorb what the media and the monks are saying [it's biased, it always is]. These athletes have been training all their life to be part of this massive event, and I really hate that their dreams are being ruined because of politics. Leave them be [for now!] and don't boycott it!
The Pope is in town [well the States]! Welcome to the land of the free?
That's all from me today! Gotta run! I'll be in Banff this weekend so I may not update, but we shall see!
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