Monday, March 24, 2008

March Madness?

March madness in the news? Not so much -- well, from what I know anyway. I'm currently enjoying my second week of spring break but I decided I need to update or I'll forgot about this altogether. It's difficult to keep up with the intensity of the news world while so relaxed not doing anything.

There's been a lot of talk about the Iraq war recently due to the 5th anniversary of it on March 20th. The news world has actually been saying that coverage on the war has lessened because of the other issues at hand. The presidential election has garnered more attention from more Americans than anything else at the moment. The death count has reached 4000 Americans. What has been accomplished? I'm not about to get into deep discussion about the war because in the end, I will not reach any reasonable conclusion. I'm torn about the war because although I'm not for it [I don't agree with attaining peace by going to war], I don't believe it should be abandoned at the snap of a finger; nor do I think 100 years will do anyone any good. Mission Accomplished? Not any time soon. 97% of the deaths have come after the so-called "Mission Accomplished" statement by President Bush on May 1st, 2003. One thing I truly believe is that these lives should not be lost in vain. Something has to show for these losses.

Onto a lighter issue. Senator Hillary Clinton was busted today for LYING! In a speech she gave on St. Patty's Day, she claimed she landed in Bosnia in 1996 under fire -- oh what a dramatic tale she told. Guess what? That was a lie. There is video footage of her safe landing and the welcoming crowd she claimed wasn't there. Although she has admitted her untruthful words, it doesn't make things better of course. All I can say is, "Liar liar pants on fire!"

So what else has happened lately? Well on Fox & Friends sometime last week, Brown-haired Guy Who's Not Steve Doocy [credited to Stephen T. Colbert] walked off abruptly after Chris Wallace said to them there was too much Obama bashing. They now claim that it was a joke and he did it for fun. I thought the guy had balls for walking off, but now that he's shrinking away from his actions. I take that back. Faux Noise probably threatened to fire him if he didn't put on a smile and do a dance to make up for his walking off the set. One day, someone on that channel will grow a pair [not including Papa Bear and Geraldo because they came with a pair].

In world news, Taiwan elected their new president on March 22 and it was KMT's Ma Ying-Jeou. Congratulations to him. I really don't follow Taiwan news nor China news for that matter, so I don't know if this will help ease tension between the two, but good luck anyhow.

[This piece of news was inserted in a random area] Bill Richardson endorsed Barack Obama last week. [end of story].

Oh! I almost forgot! There was a piece of news that was so news breaking that Countdown dedicated a whole hour to it [then had another hour of other news]. What was it? Hmmm, there was so much information for 2 days and then suddenly no one is talking about it. Barack Obama's passport was breached a few times since January. *insert intense music here* The plot thickens when it was found out that Hillary Clinton's AND John McCain's passport information was also breached. Conclusion? I didn't hear one because they stopped talking about it! I regret having typed all that information [or lack thereof] now because it was a waste of my time and probably yours.

Ok, I've made it. I'm satisfied with my lack of news post. I'll post again when I'm more news savvy. Happy Dyngus Day!

Friday, March 14, 2008

It's been a long 10 days...

Yes indeed it has been. I once again am deeply regretful for the lack of attention I am giving this blog. I don't even know how many people visit this blog but I promised myself that I would do this so I am. That aside, a lot has happened during these past 10 days. Do I want to talk about everything? Not really because it's not really news. But let's start off with some news from the race to the White House [stole that from MSNBC's new show hosted by David Gregory *end plug*].

Mississippi was Tuesday and as expected, Obama won by about a 10[ish] point difference. He is still about 100 or so delegates in the lead of Senator Clinton. The next contest is in April, which will be Pennsylvania.

In the meantime, fire is burning around the two Democratic candidates. They are surrounded by people who want to "help" their campaign, but to steal a catch phrase from the Daily Show, "You're Not Helping!". Geraldine Ferraro has made some comments about Obama hinting [or flat out saying] he's lucky he's black. People are outraged by this "racist" remark, which has forced Ferraro to leave Clinton's campaign. My opinion? She shouldn't have said it in the way she said it, but there's truth to it. The media has been saying for a long time now that this race is exciting because of its unprecedence due to the fact that one candidate is a woman and the other is African-American. One of the reasons why Clinton is popular is because she's a woman. This has never happened before! One of the reasons why Obama is popular is because he's African-American. This has never happened before! You see the similarities and differences? At first glance, what stands out? Their sex and their race. It's the truth [unless one of them has recently tattooed on their forehead, "Free health care for all!"]. While I'm at it, I'm going to throw more truth out there. Many voters are not voting for Clinton because she's a woman and many voters are not voting for Obama because he's black. It's the truth. I don't understand why the media and the people must censor the obvious. I must add that I am not defending Ferraro. I am merely helping the elderly cross the street [and away from Hillary Clinton's campaign headquarters].

Is it already time to talk about that story? Do I have to? *sigh* [Former] Governor of New York Eliot Spitzer admitted to be part of a prostitution ring [I think it's octagonal?]. Apparently he's done it multiple times and paid over 4,000 per house for this "Ashley" or "Kirsten" or whatever her name is today from the "Emperor's Club". I've always been a fan of Spitzer's, I think he's a good person and one of the best the Dems have. But biases aside, I think the fault is partially his wife's. At first glance [he's white and male?] he doesn't look like a man who would sacrifice his career for a good lay. So why has he? Maybe because his wife hasn't been attending to his needs. "Experts" may say he has larger amounts of testosterone because of he huge forehead, but I say, he's just a simple man. And a man has his needs. Maybe all he was looking for was companionship instead of a cold shoulder [I am in no way saying Mrs. Spitzer can freeze an ice cream cone on her shoulder but maybe keep the milk fresh?]. I am not a misogynist, but when a married man goes to a prostitute and puts his career on the line, he must be desperate and is obviously not getting any at home. Eliot Spitzer, you will always be remembered [as one of the few not gay Democrats] and I wish you luck [with your millions of dollars].

I'm all news-ed out right now, maybe it's the last day before spring break? I don't know. Ok, I admit, I have nothing else to say and is very lazy. But maybe after I watch some Countdown and some O'Reilly Factor I'll have some more to talk about. You want to read more? Check out this article by Glenn Beck:; it's a great read.

So that's it from me for now. On a personal note, I am now the editor-in-chief [I gave myself the title =)] for my school's newspaper! *cheers* Hmm, I should start working on that, yes? Good day!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Super Tuesday Part II

The primaries/caucuses for Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont were today. It was expected to be a tight race for the Democrats and a runaway for a Republican; these predictions were not wrong.

Senator John McCain won all four states today and passed the 1191 mark, making him the Republican Nominee. I really have nothing else to say, the man won fair and square, but it doesn't mean I have to like or accept it [which I don't and won't].

The race was and still is tight between Clinton and Obama. Vermont finished first and Obama won with 60% to Clinton's 38%. Rhode Island came next and Clinton won this one, 58% to Obama's 40%. Those were the relatively insignificant states so eyes were set on Ohio and Texas where both candidates were almost 50/50. Ohio's results has come out and Clinton won with 56% to 42%. Although the race was tight, in the early polls, Obama was expected to win. Texas' results have not come out yet, but Clinton is currently leading with 50% to 48%. If she wins this one, she will definitely stay around until the convention.

I really expected Obama to win big and Clinton to have dropped out by tomorrow, but things usually don't go my way *sigh*. The only good thing is more coverage from the guys over at MSNBC. Yippie!

That's all I have tonight, good night.

Monday, March 3, 2008

March already?

Even with the extra day, February went by awfully fast. I don't want to say there hasn't been any news, but I haven't been excited by anything specific this past week. Big things probably did happen, but nothing has stuck in my mind. Some headlines I can vaguely remember are:

- Mt. Kahluea erupted in Hawaii causing environmental damage.

- There was an earthquake in Southern Philippines today at a magnitude of 6.5.

See a pattern? Yes, the above relate to geography and the environment. I blame it on my Geography 12 class and my fascination in natural disasters. You must admit, man-made disasters don't boost egos, they just deflate until nothing.

Now in other news:

Fires were deliberately set on houses north of Seattle. Earth Liberation Front were believed to do this. The evidence? They wrote on a white sheet and signed it. This "ELF" group are what officials claim to be "Eco-Terrorists". They purposely destroy to prove a point about how people are destroying the environment? I don't understand them but I have labeled them to be "extreme tree-huggers".

Medyevdev wins election in Russia to become the new president who claims he will work closely with Putin.

Tensions are high between Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador. Apparently a rebel leader was killed and everyone is on alert. Chavez is obviously talking big, but nothing big will happen, it will be left alone soon.

The U.N. renewed sanctions on Iran due to their consistent refusal to halt uranium advancements and developments. Iranian President Ahmandinejad had just finished his trip to Iraq and is once again on the offensive. He said, "No one likes them". The 'them' refers to the United States of America. It could be true, but at his moment, Canada still likes them [until they break off NAFTA, then you-know-what will hit the fan]. At this point, Iran probably doesn't even care about uranium. It just wants to piss off the Americans.

Speaking of the Americans, an update on the campaign trail [good transition yes?]. Obama and Clinton are still going at it with no results. More McCain slams by random people, but otherwise, quite tamed for the Republicans.

Primaries tomorrow for both Democrats and Republicans are: Ohio, Rhode Island, Vermont, Texas. This day is believed to be the end for one of the Democratic hopefuls. One of? I mean Hillary Clinton. If she loses either Ohio or Texas, it is believed that she will become Mike Huckabee [no, not a baptist minister, she'll become irrelevant]. For the Republicans, nothing will change.

I promise to update tomorrow about the results from the four states. G'day.