Monday, July 14, 2008

Coming Soon...

It's been a long time [70 days] but it's coming back. Not right now, but very soon =)

Monday, May 5, 2008

I'll be Wright with you...

It's been 20 days since I last posted and I am sooo sorry. I'll blame it on my laziness and more laziness. Also, I'm sick of the repetition on the news. Ever since Pennsylvania, which Clinton won by a margin of 10 points, two things have been on the news. The fact that Clinton won and Reverend Wright. Yes, he's back and I'm sick of him! God damn you for making the political process even more boring than it already was! Even though his name is in my title, I'm a sucker puns, I am not talking about this anymore.

Moving on to Austria. There's a huge incest case there where the father kept his daughter in some sort of dungeon in his house for about a quarter of a century. She's in her 40s now and has 6 children, all of them fathered by her father. This is so insanely gross and effed up. There really is not other way to describe this. 3 of the children of the daughter were adopted by the father/grandfather while the other 3, one of whom is 18, was locked up just like the daughter/their mother. Those 3 children have never seen the light of day until now. Apparently there are deformaties mentally as well as physically, which comes with incestuous births. I am truly disgusted that a man can do such a thing and what's even more awful is that the father is pleading insanity! That means he doesn't even have to go to jail and just some sort of mental facility. If hebehaves well and shows improvement mentally, they could set him free! This is bullshit, seriously. Is there a death penalty in Austria?

What else is there? Oh right! There was a cyclone that hit Yangon, Myanmar and it lasted for 10 hours. 4000 people were killed and 3000 have been reported missing, although the death and missing count will go higher as the days progress and the ruins are looked through. Foreign aid should be arriving in copious amounts and even Laura Bush is pushing for more aid. Hopefully, this will be the worst of the cyclones, although this is never the case since it's only May.

EDIT: Just found out that the death toll is over 10,000 people now.

This just in [for me anyway]! Ronaldo was busted recently for "encountering" 3 cross-dressing prostitutes. He tried to hide the story by paying the prostitutes but it didn't work out in the end. Stupid things always happen to people of great fame. It's cruel of me, but I laugh heartidly at all of them. That's their punishment for making so much money.

One thing that disturbed me more than I thought it would was what happened at the Kentucky Derby. The horse that came in second place broke both its ankles while racing and was put down on the spot. I feel the rider/trainer should take some sort of responsibility for what happened, but I wouldn't go as far as PETA would. There should a fine for over-pushing horses to its limits.

Returning to American politics briefly, North Carolina and Indiana have their primaries tomorrow. Obama should be able to win but if he doesn't, the blame will most likely be put on the Wright controversy [not the Wrong one lol] and not because she-Clinton is more electable.

I know that wasn't a sufficient post to make up for 20 days, but that's all I have right now. I shouldn't promise I'll update soon but I really will try. A lot of things are happening in May for me, but enough with excuses, just keep checking back please! Peace out! [Never used that one before]

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Shooting the breeze in Pennsylvania

Last time it was two weeks, this time it's 9 days, so I must say I've improved. I'm sure a lot happened in those 9 days, but what exactly? I feel I've been getting more out of watching baseball [3+hours for two days of the week] than watching the news for hours everyday. Stories have been repeated, distorted, and worn out until it is no long interesting. From my point of view, two things are being focused on by the [American] news outlets: the Pennsylvania Primaries and the Polygamists in Texas. I'll touch up on both later in the post. But one thing I've realized is that the boycotting of the Olympics [or just the opening ceremonies] has not been discussed a lot by the American media. Pelosi and Clinton both want Bush to boycott, but what good will that do? I suppose you can count those as teasers to what's to come.

I'm going to start off with a quick baseball update. The Red sox whooped the Yankees twice [on Saturday and Sunday] for which I am very grateful and happy. One thing I was not happy about was that Fox cut off the last couple innings because Nascar started [there was a rain delay so the game was from 12:30 to around 6]. The Mets haven't been fairing all that well, but I'm sure they'll turn it around. Boston Red Sox are now 8-6 whereas the New York Mets are 5-6.

Now diving into the yummy cupcake of politics [I've been obsessed with cupcakes lately?], the Pennsylvania Primaries are next Tuesday, and the candidates [Democratic anyway] are turning up the hot and the cold. I won't get into geography here but let's just say when a warm air mass and cold air mass collides, nothing pretty comes out of it. Obama is in the limelight once again [or still?] for saying something along the lines of Pennsylvanians clinging onto their guns and faith due to frustration. He has admitted that the words came out faulty, but Clinton of course took the opportunity to attack. She says it's offensive and demeaning to say these things about the people of Pennsylvania and even released an advertisement with dissatisfied citizens voicing their contempt. This seems like a perfect move and exactly what Clinton's campaign needs to excel. But knowing Clinton, she does something more ridiculous therefore Obama's story is shunted. She tried to appear as a 'working class' member by 'shooting' it up with a shot of some type of hard liquor [which she sipped and I think it was Crown Royal]. She then 'chased' that with a beer and I assumed she got pretty drunk after that. Oh wait, am I forgetting something? Oh right, she said when she was a young girl her grandfather took her 'shooting' [literally] in her which Obama attacked and ridiculed. She also called him an elitist. Yes, everything is out of order and a complete mess because that is exactly how the Clinton campaign is right now. She just can't catch a break can she? Maybe she was reminiscing about the days when she was a young shooter during her landing in Bosnia? It makes sense...If you're using that Clinton campaign, let me know! I have copyrights on that!

Did I say I was going to talk about the FLDS story again? Well all they have now is information about around 20 girls in their teen years who are pregnant. And that many of the younger women want to go back because it's what they're used to. There's a whole brainwashing thing behind this and it's pretty messy. I really don't want to get into it because then I'll go on to define "cult" and I don't want to be O'Reilly now do I? [yes].

I'm actually just going to touch on the Olympics issue because I have a time restraint. I will share my view on it: let it happen! Don't bring negative politics into this traditional event. I'm not saying I don't care about what's happening between China and Tibet [actually I don't] but I really think it's being blown up by the Tibetans and the media. And people are being suckered into being on the side of Tibet because the Dalai Lama is from there. Ok maybe "suckered" isn't the word, but I just wish people would research about exactly what's happening before making a judgement and not just absorb what the media and the monks are saying [it's biased, it always is]. These athletes have been training all their life to be part of this massive event, and I really hate that their dreams are being ruined because of politics. Leave them be [for now!] and don't boycott it!

The Pope is in town [well the States]! Welcome to the land of the free?

That's all from me today! Gotta run! I'll be in Banff this weekend so I may not update, but we shall see!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I've caught the baseball fever

I admit, I have been slacking off. It's been almost 2 weeks since I last posted, and really, I regret it. But I'm here now so don't fret. It's a bit lame that I've been starting all my posts with an apology, but I'm really dedicated to this, I'm just a tad lazy/busy. Also, before all the news starts flowing, I have good news [for once]! A friend of mine, Stefano, is helping me make a website for me to blog and post my articles! I'll keep this blog still, but will link it to my site, and hopefully more people will read what I have to say =) Now on with the news!

Let's get politics out of the way. Obama and Clinton still battling it out before Pennsylvania and McCain is telling stories of his life. Yes, it's been that boring. I don't want to say I've been losing interest in the race, but I'm starting to tune out a bit. Every week there's a new scandal on top of older scandals and whatnot. It's piling up into a large pile of Liberal Trash. I'm inclined to root for McCain because there's a slight chance he'll consider Mitt Romney as his running mate [if he cares about the conservative vote that is; otherwise it's Lieberman]. But breaking news is that Clinton's chief campaign strategist is quitting because he is linked to some Colombian free trade deal. Another slump for the Clinton campaign; it makes me almost feel bad for her. And the Clintons' tax returns have been recently released and they made a combined total of $109 million last year. Whoa! How is her campaign in debt? C'mon, be like Romney and pay for some of it yourself! Critics say this will detach Clinton from the middle and lower class voters because, well, she's bloody rich! If she cares about her campaign at all, she should use her money to trump Obama. It always works, especially in the States. Whoever denies 'money makes the world go around' is an idiot.

Hollywood lost a great actor yesterday. Charlton Heston died in his home last night. He was 84. He was in movies such as "Ben-Hur", "The Ten Commandments", "El Cid", and many more. It really sucks that so many Hollywood people are dying. It just seems they're so immortal yet they're humans just like us. It upsets me that no matter how great you are, you always get brought down by something like death.

Unfortunately, there have been more deaths since the fifth anniversary of the war in Iraq. This afternoon in Baghdad, 3 soldiers were killed and 31 others were injured in rocket attacks. Along with this most recent attack, there have been 19 more deaths since the 4000 marks was reached. All I can think about after reading such things is, "What for?"

In Eldorado, Texas,  over 200 women and children have been taken away from a ranch in Texas that is the home of polygamists. These people belong to the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, where the act of polygamy is heavily practiced [as opposed to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints where it is now condemned]. Girls as young as 13 years old are forced into an arranged marriage usually to a man much older. The best known case is of Warren Jeffs [52] who was convicted last year on counts of rape, incest, and sexual conduct with a minor. He was sentenced to 10 years to life. Sometimes religion is taken to the extreme, and that's when things get dangerous [and illegal]. I don't understand how marrying multiple wives is following the word of God. Adam was only allowed Eve, so why do people think they should get more than one?

A scary piece of news. A 3 year old girl found a gun in her home and shot herself in the head. She is in critical condition at this moment. I'm honestly surprised she survived, but I don't know exactly where in the head she shot. Maybe just scraped the side, but still, very scary. What are these parents thinking? "Let's put a gun where my baby can reach! But no, I refuse to buy toys from China because they have lead in them!"

Now onto the good stuff [referring to the title of the post]. Baseball season has started and I have grown quite fond of it. I first watched intently last year when the Boston Red Sox played the Colorado Rockies and owned them in the World Series. This season, I have made a promise to watch as many games of my teams as I can. I have chosen one team from each league: American League will be the Boston Red Sox [obviously because I always cheer for the Boston teams] and the National League will be the New York Mets! Even though both teams are one game behind [3-4 Sox and 2-3 Mets], I have high hopes for both teams and I know they'll do very well. This time if both teams make the World Series, I will NOT place a bet. I don't want another football fiasco to happen again [Patriots vs. Giants and I put money on the Pats -_-"]. So cheer for those two teams even if you don't watch baseball!

Oh I just received news of this. The Juno Awards were tonight [the Canadian music awards]. Feist won the most with 5. Other popular Canadian artists such as Michael Buble and Blue Rodeo picked up a few. Congratulations Canadian music!

I don't know when I'll post again, but I'm hoping sooner than I did last time. If things go well and I get my new phone, I may be able to blog more often because I'll be able to do it anywhere =) See you all next time! Good night, and good luck! [Haven't used that in awhile =) Oh! Congrats to Countdown for making it to its 5th birthday! Many more to come I hope!]

Monday, March 24, 2008

March Madness?

March madness in the news? Not so much -- well, from what I know anyway. I'm currently enjoying my second week of spring break but I decided I need to update or I'll forgot about this altogether. It's difficult to keep up with the intensity of the news world while so relaxed not doing anything.

There's been a lot of talk about the Iraq war recently due to the 5th anniversary of it on March 20th. The news world has actually been saying that coverage on the war has lessened because of the other issues at hand. The presidential election has garnered more attention from more Americans than anything else at the moment. The death count has reached 4000 Americans. What has been accomplished? I'm not about to get into deep discussion about the war because in the end, I will not reach any reasonable conclusion. I'm torn about the war because although I'm not for it [I don't agree with attaining peace by going to war], I don't believe it should be abandoned at the snap of a finger; nor do I think 100 years will do anyone any good. Mission Accomplished? Not any time soon. 97% of the deaths have come after the so-called "Mission Accomplished" statement by President Bush on May 1st, 2003. One thing I truly believe is that these lives should not be lost in vain. Something has to show for these losses.

Onto a lighter issue. Senator Hillary Clinton was busted today for LYING! In a speech she gave on St. Patty's Day, she claimed she landed in Bosnia in 1996 under fire -- oh what a dramatic tale she told. Guess what? That was a lie. There is video footage of her safe landing and the welcoming crowd she claimed wasn't there. Although she has admitted her untruthful words, it doesn't make things better of course. All I can say is, "Liar liar pants on fire!"

So what else has happened lately? Well on Fox & Friends sometime last week, Brown-haired Guy Who's Not Steve Doocy [credited to Stephen T. Colbert] walked off abruptly after Chris Wallace said to them there was too much Obama bashing. They now claim that it was a joke and he did it for fun. I thought the guy had balls for walking off, but now that he's shrinking away from his actions. I take that back. Faux Noise probably threatened to fire him if he didn't put on a smile and do a dance to make up for his walking off the set. One day, someone on that channel will grow a pair [not including Papa Bear and Geraldo because they came with a pair].

In world news, Taiwan elected their new president on March 22 and it was KMT's Ma Ying-Jeou. Congratulations to him. I really don't follow Taiwan news nor China news for that matter, so I don't know if this will help ease tension between the two, but good luck anyhow.

[This piece of news was inserted in a random area] Bill Richardson endorsed Barack Obama last week. [end of story].

Oh! I almost forgot! There was a piece of news that was so news breaking that Countdown dedicated a whole hour to it [then had another hour of other news]. What was it? Hmmm, there was so much information for 2 days and then suddenly no one is talking about it. Barack Obama's passport was breached a few times since January. *insert intense music here* The plot thickens when it was found out that Hillary Clinton's AND John McCain's passport information was also breached. Conclusion? I didn't hear one because they stopped talking about it! I regret having typed all that information [or lack thereof] now because it was a waste of my time and probably yours.

Ok, I've made it. I'm satisfied with my lack of news post. I'll post again when I'm more news savvy. Happy Dyngus Day!

Friday, March 14, 2008

It's been a long 10 days...

Yes indeed it has been. I once again am deeply regretful for the lack of attention I am giving this blog. I don't even know how many people visit this blog but I promised myself that I would do this so I am. That aside, a lot has happened during these past 10 days. Do I want to talk about everything? Not really because it's not really news. But let's start off with some news from the race to the White House [stole that from MSNBC's new show hosted by David Gregory *end plug*].

Mississippi was Tuesday and as expected, Obama won by about a 10[ish] point difference. He is still about 100 or so delegates in the lead of Senator Clinton. The next contest is in April, which will be Pennsylvania.

In the meantime, fire is burning around the two Democratic candidates. They are surrounded by people who want to "help" their campaign, but to steal a catch phrase from the Daily Show, "You're Not Helping!". Geraldine Ferraro has made some comments about Obama hinting [or flat out saying] he's lucky he's black. People are outraged by this "racist" remark, which has forced Ferraro to leave Clinton's campaign. My opinion? She shouldn't have said it in the way she said it, but there's truth to it. The media has been saying for a long time now that this race is exciting because of its unprecedence due to the fact that one candidate is a woman and the other is African-American. One of the reasons why Clinton is popular is because she's a woman. This has never happened before! One of the reasons why Obama is popular is because he's African-American. This has never happened before! You see the similarities and differences? At first glance, what stands out? Their sex and their race. It's the truth [unless one of them has recently tattooed on their forehead, "Free health care for all!"]. While I'm at it, I'm going to throw more truth out there. Many voters are not voting for Clinton because she's a woman and many voters are not voting for Obama because he's black. It's the truth. I don't understand why the media and the people must censor the obvious. I must add that I am not defending Ferraro. I am merely helping the elderly cross the street [and away from Hillary Clinton's campaign headquarters].

Is it already time to talk about that story? Do I have to? *sigh* [Former] Governor of New York Eliot Spitzer admitted to be part of a prostitution ring [I think it's octagonal?]. Apparently he's done it multiple times and paid over 4,000 per house for this "Ashley" or "Kirsten" or whatever her name is today from the "Emperor's Club". I've always been a fan of Spitzer's, I think he's a good person and one of the best the Dems have. But biases aside, I think the fault is partially his wife's. At first glance [he's white and male?] he doesn't look like a man who would sacrifice his career for a good lay. So why has he? Maybe because his wife hasn't been attending to his needs. "Experts" may say he has larger amounts of testosterone because of he huge forehead, but I say, he's just a simple man. And a man has his needs. Maybe all he was looking for was companionship instead of a cold shoulder [I am in no way saying Mrs. Spitzer can freeze an ice cream cone on her shoulder but maybe keep the milk fresh?]. I am not a misogynist, but when a married man goes to a prostitute and puts his career on the line, he must be desperate and is obviously not getting any at home. Eliot Spitzer, you will always be remembered [as one of the few not gay Democrats] and I wish you luck [with your millions of dollars].

I'm all news-ed out right now, maybe it's the last day before spring break? I don't know. Ok, I admit, I have nothing else to say and is very lazy. But maybe after I watch some Countdown and some O'Reilly Factor I'll have some more to talk about. You want to read more? Check out this article by Glenn Beck:; it's a great read.

So that's it from me for now. On a personal note, I am now the editor-in-chief [I gave myself the title =)] for my school's newspaper! *cheers* Hmm, I should start working on that, yes? Good day!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Super Tuesday Part II

The primaries/caucuses for Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont were today. It was expected to be a tight race for the Democrats and a runaway for a Republican; these predictions were not wrong.

Senator John McCain won all four states today and passed the 1191 mark, making him the Republican Nominee. I really have nothing else to say, the man won fair and square, but it doesn't mean I have to like or accept it [which I don't and won't].

The race was and still is tight between Clinton and Obama. Vermont finished first and Obama won with 60% to Clinton's 38%. Rhode Island came next and Clinton won this one, 58% to Obama's 40%. Those were the relatively insignificant states so eyes were set on Ohio and Texas where both candidates were almost 50/50. Ohio's results has come out and Clinton won with 56% to 42%. Although the race was tight, in the early polls, Obama was expected to win. Texas' results have not come out yet, but Clinton is currently leading with 50% to 48%. If she wins this one, she will definitely stay around until the convention.

I really expected Obama to win big and Clinton to have dropped out by tomorrow, but things usually don't go my way *sigh*. The only good thing is more coverage from the guys over at MSNBC. Yippie!

That's all I have tonight, good night.